Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Deutschland Dregs

Okay, whilst downing a few delicious Northwest-brewed beers, I finally managed to catch up on my Heidelberg photos and provide not-so-witty accompanying commentary.


argotnaut said...

Oh no! Comment spam! How I despise it...

liz said...

I'm getting concerned about why I might need Tramadol as well as those penis pills!

Andrew said...

For those of you confused by the above comments, I got a long comment consisting of spam for something called Tramadol or Tralfamador or Flimflamidol. I guess blogger needs something like Argotnaut has on her site where one must input a "code" before one can comment. Although I'm sure Blogger despises comment spam even more than we do!

argotnaut said...

We want an update, not a belly-itcher! Actually, I _do_ want a belly-itcher ...

liz said...

At least *yours* has updated in the time since December 10th.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what Argotnaut said! Send us some news, ya scurvy cur!