Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Two Towers

Here's what passes for excitement around here these days. Yesterday I constructed (a term that gives the operation way too much credit) two columns of boxes so that the kitties could look out the windows in the garage door. I needed two because they fought over the one. Even with two, it's an uneasy truce:

And so we have our two sentinels on two towers, watching not for orcs but for dogs. But not to worry, the dogs are fighting amongst themselves. Stupid dogs!

In other movie-related news, I went to the Guild Theatre ("that's pronounced 'thee-ah-trah' darling") for the screening of all the work done by students of the Northwest Film Center in the winter quarter. There were three one hour segments, mostly student short films from the basic class I took, but also a handful of more advanced digital video movies and several short documentaries, including a quite good (and infuriating) one on our sorry-ass health care system. Of course, "Dissolving" was the penultimate piece on the last reel, so probably half the crowd had left by that time and I didn't get home until midnight. Plus I didn't win any of the nifty raffle prizes! Drat! But I saw some pretty cool stuff (and some really studenty stuff) and got a program with the names of the film-makers for each piece, so I know who did the good pieces and who did the not-so-good pieces. Which could come in handy if I do some bigger productions and I need to draft some dependable and talented folks. After all, everyone, from John Ford to Steven Spielberg to Jim Jarmusch needs their film posse!

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